Wednesday, August 12, 2015

In search of: Haidyn’s first backpack

Summer is nearing the end and that means that Haidyn is enter her first year of school (daycare) with lots of work ahead of here. When I say “lots of work” I mean no more trips to the splash park and focusing more on curriculum work at school. To commemorate her “back to school” we decided to get her backpack because she’s a big girl now! We wanted her to fit in with all of the other kids in school. No more diaper bag for Haidyn ( at school anyways)! It’s also a plus that she can carry her bag to school. Win for Mama & Daddy!!!

In our search for a backpack, I wanted it to be a backpack she loved, affordable, versatile and durable for her to use for the next couple years or so. I headed to Wal-Mart for a backpack for her searching up and down the aisles for anything Doc McStuffins/Frozen – her current favorites- nothing was cutting it for her. She loved the light up bags but hated the actual bags. I hesitated at first because all backpacks came with a lunch box, but she knew she hated them so we nixed the Wal-Mart options and headed to Target. A girl wants what she wants,  right?

The backpacks were slightly more expensive (approx $20.00) for each bag, but the selection was a lot more than Wal-Mart. The variety of backpacks would astonish you because we were overwhelmed ourselves. She went up and down the aisles in search of her backpack (no joke). She even sat on a backpack to see if it was the one she wanted (still not kidding).

 We found the section of animal backpacks and she fell in love with a pink kitty backpack that waves its arms up and down. It’s seriously so cute! She wouldn’t put the bag down, drug up and down the aisles to just to show everyone her choice. The backpack was slightly more expensive than I wanted it to be, but I couldn’t not buy it for her when she was so excited just holding the backpack in the cart.  I’m a sucker, I know but it was 20% off. You can find her kitty bag, here . Now she has her perfect backpack to rock this fall and all year round for a couple years to come.


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