Monday, August 24, 2015

Week in Pictures | Here Comes Hurricane Season

This weekend marked the start of Haidyn’s second session of swimming! And of course due to poor planning on my part, we didn’t go.  [:  Our weekend was full of events that forced us to go outdoors and spend time running with Haidyn because the hurricane was full force from 6:00 to 8:00 pm both days. Our toddler is making it very apparent that she is NO LONGER a baby and is very much a toddler. She’s slowing making sense of the world around her and compiling excuses to rationalize why she terrorized everything in her path this weekend. I’m bracing myself for the terrible 2’s early for this girl. After sitting in the hallway numerous times, terrorizing the kitchen, living room, our room and her playroom (let’s say in general the entire house) leaving the house was so peaceful.
Sunday afternoon, we spent lunch down by the river to take a peek at the Nevada Humane Society’s Duck Festival. It didn’t look like much of anyone showed up this year so we didn’t spend a lot of time there. Haidyn enjoyed just having lunch at the park and getting to pet a service dog. We enjoyed her first snow cone because the weather has just been unbelievably hot.

After the festival we headed back home and planned an outdoor dinner because we didn’t want to have to clean the house again this weekend. We took full advantage of the great weather and had ourselves some zucchini sausage pasta and French bread for dinner. It’s not every weekend Haidyn brings the hurricane with her ( full force anyways) , but when she does I’m sort of glad that she does. I get to see my girl explore and actually grow into the little person she’s going to be right before my eyes. I mean, I couldn’t really expect that she wasn’t going to be sassy at all right? After all, she is my kid.

Happy Monday!


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