Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Week in Pictures| Ace's Baseball

This past weekend my company treated us out to an Ace’s Baseball game! This was Haidyn’s first baseball game along with the Ace’s Silver Fox weekend. This time last year we were suppose to go to the game, but we didn't since it rained a litted bit and Haidyn was too little. I'm glad that this year she got to come out to enjoy my favorite sport.  Since I was given four tickets and Haidyn didn’t need a ticket for the game Colbie and Nasaya came along for the game too. There were so many people Haidyn was a little antsy. We stood in a line that was for the giveaway way too long until we finally realized that we could’ve just entered the stadium normally since we had no intention of receiving the free giveaway jersey. 

We found our seats and got situated before we ended up getting food from the company tables. All you can eat hotdogs, potato salad, cookies and soda had our names all over it. It was a little hectic since everyone was confused on the lines to get the food, but eventually we found ourselves heading back to our seats with food in our hands. Haidyn was too restless to sit/stand still after eating. Meeting Archie didn't slow her down any either.


It got to the point where I didn’t watch the game anymore since she wanted to run around the stands and give her bottle to everyone else. I was okay with her doing that until the 3rd inning and we had to move to the grass area. She was a little better behaved, but I don’t think we will be taking her to anymore baseball games until she’s 2. Lesson learned. We didn’t stay the entire game because we knew that traffic was going to be horrendous by the time it was over, so we headed home early to get our girl to bed.

After our fun-filled Saturday, Sunday we met my Papa for lunch at Naan & Kaab. This place is seriously Reno’s hidden gem. The food is delicious and was a huge hit with everyone. Haidyn was more impressed with the fact that she got to see her Papa. [:



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