Saturday, July 18, 2015

8 Truths & a Lie - That Makes Nine.

2015 has been a blessed year for me in the blog world. So I decided that I needed to break the ice with all of you. I’ve seen a spike in views over the past couple of months and I figured this would be a fun way to get to know a little more about me, if you don’t already. Here are 8 truths and lie for all of you. The truths are more life confessions if you ask me. Can you spot the lie? 

  1.  Summer time is here and while everyone is in the pools/lakes I will be awkwardly avoiding the water because I can’t swim; like at all. I honestly, don’t even know why I own bathing suits.
  2. Now that Haidyn is well into her 1st year, I feel the struggle of having patience with her.  She is beginning to test me and my limits with her especially after I get off of work. I have to step back and realize that she is growing into her personality and to understand that right now everything really is about her in her world. More often than not I feel absolutely guilty about yelling at Haidyn that I sometimes cry a little because I can’t believe I just yelled at her.
  3.     I’m constantly trying to find better ways to be a mom and wife, whether it’s cooking a dish differently or complimenting each of them a little more each day.
  4.  Rather than be on FB or IG I spend my days trying to level up on Cooking Fever & Cinderella Free Fall. I have no shame.
  5.    Sometimes I think about being a stay at home mom and wonder what life would be like. Would my house be cleaner? Would I be less stressed? Would we have more kids and more time together? Would I home school? And then I realize that I’m working to better the future of my family and I wouldn't have it any other way. I'm too much of a workaholic to be a stay at home mom- as selfish as that sounds.
  6.   I am driving my dream car; a Honda civic. You cannot beat the gas mileage in this car unless you’re in a hybrid.
  7.    I want more children, three to be exact but knowing that I have to go through another c-section makes me wary to have another child. The age gap I proposed to my husband is something that I believe would be good for our budget, family and for me finally becoming okay with another c-section.  
  8.    In the event that we do get pregnant in the near future or future in general we already have names picked out for either sex.
  9.  As much as I love my long hair ( I’ve been growing it out for 2ish years now ) , I really do want to cut it off so that it I could have a new hair style.  

**SPOILER! Number 9 is my lie. I hated my hair short after cutting it so I’m so glad that it’s finally growing out! Also I really don't think I could rock the "mom" hair cut just yet. 

I hope you all enjoyed this post as much as I did. Man it is hard to think of a lie to tell everyone! 


  1. Just got my check for over $500.

    Sometimes people don't believe me when I tell them about how much you can make filling out paid surveys online...

    So I show them a video of myself actually getting paid $500 for participating in paid surveys.
