Friday, July 24, 2015

HBD| Sassafras

 to one of my best friends,  last kitty baby
 and the cat with the most names in history.
You're not so much a 'baby' anymore, but since you act like it a majority of the time- we'll roll with it.
Thank you for putting up with all of us when we know you really shouldn't
 ( especially when it comes to Haidyn, I'm sure it's payback from the times you annoyed Bonnie [: )

You're such a wonderful Ate to your baby sister.
 You always keep Daddy humble even when he picks on you. 
And you make our lives a hell of a lot livelier than we could've ever imagined. 
Thank you for saving me four blissful years ago and always being by my side when I need you the most. 
We love you Mama! 
We'll try not to spoil you too much on your day
 or you'll just get even more full of yourself. [;


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