Saturday, July 25, 2015

Lil' Miss Desings Accessories Monthly Bow Subscription- Month Four

This Month I got my bows as expected on the week of the 15th however, I feel like I got a little spoiled because the previous bow shipment came in late so I’ve received bows so close together. I’m happy to say the least and so is Haidyn. This month I wanted to applaud the packaging. Haidyn and I are a sucker for all things shiny, glittery and bold and this month’s packaging was all of the above with exception to the glitter. The packaging alone made us jump for joy and want to see what was in the package; as soon as I saw the package I HAD to open. Kudos to the shop this month for that! 

On to the bows, this month’s bows included a Tribal bow, Kitties bow and of course a Fourth of July bow. I wanted my summer bows to reflect everything summer / everything she loves for Haidyn. Haidyn is Native American and we plan to go to more Pow Wow’s because she loves them so much. This month I asked for a tribal bow and the shop delivered. The bow is beautiful and subtle all the same time. I can’t wait to get more in different colors for our future Pow Wows. I’d love to get some purple and reds as well.  I love what a statement it makes in her hair when she wears it; and Haidyn wears it with so much pride as she should. 

Haidyn loves exactly 2 things in this world other than family and that’s Mowglie and Sassafras.  She loves her Ate (big sister ) Sass so we opted for a kitty bow. Oh my goodness! This bow was so damn cute. I loved all of the different kinds of kitties on it. Haidyn knew exactly who was on the bow when she saw it. 

Last but not least, The Fourth of July bow. I’ve planned out all of my bows to order a specific holiday one before the holiday arrives because like a dummy I completely forgot for Easter and St.Patrick’s Day. I vouched to never do that again so now I have a beautiful Fourth of July bow! It’s very over the top due to everything going on, on the bow but I loved it like that. I feel like it suits the occasion. The bow was a little big for Haidyn, but she rocked it anyway and will probably continue to rock it for years to come.

Thank you again Lil' Miss Designs Accessories! Can't wait until our next month's package.

Check out the business Facebook here and check out the different bows and accessories she has to offer!

** This blog post is not a paid promotion by Lil’ Miss Designs and is simply a review of the business’ products *** 


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