Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Scary Movie Bucket List

I’m a big baby and a wuss when it comes to scary movies. I’ve inherited my ability to be terrified by something that’s not real from my Papa. ( Sorry PA! ratted you out to the world [: ) But this summer I figured that since I loved creating our family bucket list that I’d create another one for myself hence; Scary Movie Bucket List.  I will be twenty-five (yeah that stings a little) this year and I really want to be updated on these films.  On the plus side it will be a bonding time for me and my husband as he loves these movies! I’m totally the ROMCOM, funny til it hurts kind of movie buff so we’re on opposite ends of the spectrum, but now I want to try and level with him on these kind s movies since I’ve banned myself from seeing them ever. 

Now don’t get me wrong, I’ve had my share of scary movie watching in the past this is why I’m not into the whole hyperventilating, terrified of falling asleep or going to the bathroom feeling that scary movies give you, but I just have to get over an irrational dread of scary movies.   Plus, if it’s on my bucket list I have to do it right? We shall see! Here it goes, for the sleepless nights and me being less of whimp, but being well versed in the must see horror movies! Who knows maybe I'll even LOVE scary movies! [:


  1.  28 days later
  2. Dawn of the dead
  3. A Nightmare On Elm Street
  4. Audition
  5.  Nosferatu: A Symphony Of Horror 
  6. Rosemary’s Baby 
  7. Halloween
  8. The Shining
  9. Jaws
  10. The Omen
  11. The Host
  12. The Exorcist


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