Wednesday, July 22, 2015



I’ve been looking forward to this mini trip out to the in-laws since we left them on Fourth of July weekend.  I know it’s only been 2 weeks but we can’t help it. We love being out here with everyone, it’s a lot more fun than with everyone around. We came up this weekend to take part in the Sacred Visions  Pow Wow with the family .  Haidyn loves everything about Pow Wow’s from the colorful outfits to the music so we knew that we couldn’t miss this one, especially since we want her to eventually be a part of them when she gets a bit older . She still is adjusting to meeting so many new people at once, but she’s adjusting well.  Aside from the Pow Wow, we also just hung out with the Grandma and Grandpa for as much as we could. :).  

Haidyn’s first swimming lessons were this past Saturday! (Insert loud applause here) It was a huge success overall. She was a little scared at first but as soon as we started warming up with all of the kids/parents she was comfortable and having a blast!.

pooped after lessons!
Here's to another great weekend ahead of us!


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