Wednesday, July 8, 2015

WEEK IN PICTURES | Fourth of July Weekend

Thursday afternoon couldn’t have come any sooner than it did. We were so relieved to be off of work and start out 3 day weekend together. Our weekend began with our family date night to the Laughing Planet and Batch Cupcakery because I really was too lazy to get dinner started. Haidyn had a blast playing with her food per the usual and being outside with us.

firework art from school!

feelin a bit sassy together

 We headed out to Wadsworth Friday afternoon to try to catch a good time to head out to Pyramid Lake.  Haidyn was thrilled to be at Grandma and Grandpa’s house again. After her nap and dinner we headed out to the lake to spend time with her cousins and finally have Haidyn sit at the lake. To our surprise she loved being in the water (except when the big waves rolled in ). She played in the sand and in the water until her heart was content. I never knew how bossy Haidyn was until she played with her older cousins. It didn’t help that Haidyn’s favorite word right now is “No” either, but they all got along fine eventually. Haidyn alerted us that she was tired soon after so we headed back to Wadsworth to put her to bed before coming back to hang out with everyone.
sooo excited for our trip!

she can stop growing so fast now...

Saturday came and we got up early to catch the parade in Fernley. Now, the Fernley parade isn’t some great big thing, but everyone in town comes to watch the kids and local business’ pass out candy in their floats. We even caught our family on a float! The parade was over before we knew it so we headed to the park so that Haidyn could play and Waymon could skate for a bit. We grabbed some lunch and a nap before heading out to the lake again. We were even surprised at the handmade moccasins that were delivered to Haidyn that morning as well! They are beyond beautiful. The weather was cooperating and was cloudy so we figured that it’d be perfect for Haidyn to play as much as she wanted before seeing the fireworks. We met up with everyone at the lake to hangout. This time Haidyn spent even more time in the lake. Her favorite thing was to sit in the holes everyone was digging in the sand and enjoying her view of the lake. As soon as it started to sprinkle, we headed back to the house to try to get Haidyn a nap before the fireworks. To our surprise the rain didn’t let up so Haidyn didn’t get to experience the fireworks (which was completely fine because I didn’t want to wake her up at 9:00 pm to watch them anyways). We bought her ear protection that she didn’t use, but looked oh so cute in.    My mother-in-law watched Haidyn for the night so that Waymon and I could go back to the lake to hang out with everyone for the night. It was so nice spending time with him while we were out there since we don’t get a lot of alone time these days.  


too amped from all the candy

Sunday was a day that we re-watched Frozen over and over again. Everyone was exhausted from the long weekend and we were extremely sad to go. Before heading back to Reno, we ate a large breakfast, played at the park with Colbie and Nasaya and finally eating at good ol’ Pizza Factory for lunch. We were so exhausted after coming home that I didn’t have any energy to do anything else but nap while Waymon took care of us and everything else at home.

I can’t wait to go back to the lake more often this summer for Haidyn to just sit and hang out the entire time. This weekend was filled with fun in the sun quality family time,  lake time and an abundance of food consumed.  I can’t complain about a single thing this weekend, even the  rain that poured during what was supposed to be Haidyn’s first fireworks. We're already counting down the days to spend time with the family again ( only 2 weeks away!)   This is what a great summer feels like.


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