Monday, July 27, 2015

WEEK IN PICTURES | Swimming with Daddy

Swimming lessons are in full swing and I’ve already signed up Haidyn for another session this upcoming August through September. She’s beginning to become extremely active and we want to counter that with some activity. Yes, we’ve become those parents that jam pack our schedules to keep her busy as can be. It does get a little hectic at times, but it gets us and her into the routine of having to do something every single day.  I can’t swim (as most of you know) so it’s extremely important for me that she knows how in the event that I happen to topple off of the boat and panic in the water. Only kidding folks.  This swim lesson was the first with her Daddy.

It was all so cute until her new instructor didn’t interact with any of the children and literally counted down the minutes until the lesson was over. Luckily, Haidyn is becoming more and more familiar with the pool and being there with her new friends that she didn’t mind until the very end. Let’s hope next time is better than this time.


Happy Monday Everyone!


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