Saturday, July 4, 2015



July is here and I can’t believe that June has come and gone already. I feel like summer is almost over. Where is the time going? I’m so excited to be spending this weekend with family. We’re heading out to Pyramid Lake with my in-laws and celebrating with them. I’ve lived in Reno now for going on 4 years and I have yet to see a good firework show. I remember the year that I searched everywhere for a good firework show with Waymon and it seriously disappointed me. In Fernley, the entire town got together at the Out of Town Park just to hang out and watch the fireworks. Literally, the entire town would stop what they were doing to see the fireworks. So because I really wanted to have Haidyn’s first experience to be very similar to that, we’re hopefully going to be watching the fireworks there. I mean hopefully, as in hopefully the kid makes it to that time. I think she’ll really enjoy seeing all of the colors and the feel of fireworks. I’m looking for a laid back weekend with some QT with my favorite people. I can’t wait. Pictures and recap to come!


Head over to check out my feature for the Feed the Fam series on It's my simple recipe for On-the-Go smoothies! 


So since my last update, I’ve worked out exactly 5 times. Hey! That’s pretty good! And I’m actually really proud of myself that I even made it that far. I’m only doing home exercises or whatever kind of dance routine I can find on BeFit on youtube, but any kind of movement works for me. Haidyn loves to do jumping jacks with me. She will sit and watch me work out and try to do some of the movement. I love my little fit baby! We’ve also been trying to get out more and trying to play basketball at night after dinner to wear Haidyn out. It seems to be working and I love it!
progress week 1

I hope that you all have a wonderful Fourth!


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