Sunday, June 14, 2015


After this week of holding babies and being at a baby shower it has given me a little baby fever. No , I’m no pregnant but  seeing everyone and their new babies makes me miss my little babe. I held a friend’s baby at the office this past week and it made me think of little Haidyn! I forget how small they actually are! He is about two months old and he was just full of smiles and just very curious to everyone around him. And oh my goodness he smelt so good!! I even told Waymon about holding the little guy and he reminisced with me. No babies for us in the near future since we’re still enjoying our spunky toddler. [: 


I don’t think anything this week (other than Haidyn related milestones) will be able to top the feeling of my blog feature being posted on this past week. I couldn’t believe that something I wrote was featured on such a prestigious blog! I was so over the moon about the post and reactions of others regarding the post that I submitted another piece to be showcased. I hope they do too! We can only see.  :D If you haven’t see the post yet, please follow the link to it here. Let me know what you think of it. Did you like it? Was it too long? Was it spot on?What did you learn in your first year?


I signed Haidyn up for swimming lessons!  Waymon and I are pretty set on her being busy and trying new things out sports wise. Our goal is for her to play 3 sports all year round once she's older. I've been meaning to sign her up for swimming lessons sooner ( 6 months actually) but some much has been going on with us that I never got around to it. Now that she's over a year old now, I think she will be able to actually really enjoy the lessons. I can't wait!


I'm becoming more and more a fan of documentaries. I don't know what it is, but I've gotten hooked on watching something that teaches me a little about the subject at hand and humanity in general. I love to learn about humans in general on how different we all are while being all the same. These documentaries are all very different but I can't wait to watch even more!

On the real though, let's talk about OITNB! I can't tell you how obsessed Waymon and I are with this show. We binged watched the series ALL Saturday. Don't worry we ended up being on time to the baby shower. [: My obsession started when the show first came out. I was pregnant with Haidyn at the time and didn’t feel well so I ended up watching the entire season during the weekend. The same thing happened when season 2 came out. Haidyn and I were feeling under the weather and we watched them all. You have to keep the tradition alive right? [: If you haven’t watched this series yet… GO! NOW! 


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