Saturday, June 20, 2015


This week has been a crazy hectic one. Everything is moving in almost a fast slow mo. Does that make sense? I feel like it always gets like that when I have tons of things planned for the weekend. Haidyn's teething/growing/terrible 1's all panned out this week. Haidyn is getting a personality like you wouldn't believe, but man when her attitude kicks into hyper drive you're going to wish you had a force field to protect yourself. Now I mean that all in the most loving way possible, but this week was chalk full of moments like that for her. She can't help it and I can't blame her but I'm so glad the weekend is finally here!

This blog wouldn't be a blog without a picture so here's one of Haidyn entertaining everyone at the post office this week. Hip popped up, sassy smile and everything just like her Mama.

Waymon and my third wedding anniversary is coming up next Wednesday. I will you tell you how I get emotional over our anniversary because I still can’t believe the fact that I’m actually married to him. I’ve dreamed about marrying him since I was 14 and it’s really crazy to me that I actually married him. Most people don’t know what they want at 14, but he’s the one thing in my life that I’m always sure of.  I know you all must be wondering; “How did you know, know at that young?”  I really didn’t. All I knew was that he made me happy, he loved me and I loved that about him. I knew when I was younger that I wasn’t going to grow up rich because I knew money could only get you so far in life. I wanted to be rich in love. And that’s what I have; love from a wonderful man.  I can’t wait to see what our anniversary week is like this year. 

This weekend we were supposed to be heading up to Seattle to be with our friends for our annual anniversary trip, however since we found out fairly quickly on our very first road trip that Haidyn doesn’t like to sleep anywhere else other than our house or Grandma Tracey’s we decided to cancel the trip all together. I wasn’t going to drive 10 + hrs to Seattle and make everyone miserable   during the night because my child can’t sleep. So we opted for something low key to celebrate us and her since this will be our first anniversary vacay with Haidyn. Drum roll please … we’re going to the Sacramento Zoo! Haidyn is obsessed with animals and a trip to Sacramento means we get to get away for a little without upsetting Haidyn’s schedule /comfort zone. Everyone wins! 

Father’s day weekend is also this weekend and so I wanted to savor my time with my guy . Sunday will be all about him and I can’t wait. He deserves a break from the world a little bit. The girls and I got him a fun card and hope to cook him his favorite meals all day. Get ready to be spoiled! 

To all other Dad’s out there; “Happy Father’s Day!”


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