Friday, June 26, 2015

Week in Pictures| Anniversary/Father's Day Week

** warning tons and tons of pictures ahead **

Waymon and I try our best to celebrate our anniversary every year. Our first year we had our California adventure, last year we didn’t do much since Haidyn was only 2 months old and this year we opted for a day trip to Sacramento. We both had these plans to go to Seattle, WA to visit some friends; however we knew that Haidyn wasn’t going to make the ride up there. We made the very wise decision to cancel the trip and do something that was fun for the entire family. Our mini road trip was both exciting and so much fun! 

Our first stop was to the Sacramento Zoo. Haidyn didn’t get a kick out of the small creatures but loved every minute of seeing the bigger animals especially the chimps. We went to the zoo with one of our friends since we were in his town. Haidyn loved being there with Josh even if she was shy most of the time with him. We toured around the zoo wandering aimlessly in hopes to see a lion. We never saw the lions, but we were so excited to almost see them. (Glass always half full right? )

After our time at the zoo we took Haidyn to the Zoo gift shop and told her she could pick out 1 gift. Turns out she wanted everything. She picked up every toy she could and carried it with her around the store. She ended up with a Tiger in her hand. We opted to get her a bigger Tiger (twice the size of the one she picked out for ½ the price, you can’t beat that! ) She was happy and we were happy.

We parted ways with Josh to head to Fairytale Town. Now let me tell you, in the pictures of Fairytale Town it did look A LOT bigger and A LOT more fun than it actually was. However, since Haidyn didn’t know what was going on and enjoyed just walking around this small little town was perfect for her. We walked throughout the park and went down a lot of slides! Haidyn’s favorite! 

After Fairytale Town we headed to the mall to catch some grub at California Pizza Kitchen. Waymon’s coworker turned us to this place (thank God because I was just going to take us to Jollibee) . The food was delicious and I will remind myself next time to get a bigger plate. Yup that plate of mac & cheese is not mine; it was Haidyn’s ha-ha. After lunch, we wandered around the Arden mall so someone could wind down before getting back on the road.

she was so happy to be home with her rajah [:

Father’s Day was Sunday and we didn’t do much of anything but relax. Haidyn colored Daddy’s card before he woke up to surprise him. We cooked him breakfast and let him relax to watch Netflix and play his Xbox before heading out to lunch with Grandma and Grandpa at BJ’s! After Lunch, nothing was done but put a cranky girl to sleep before playing some basketball. We watched, “Up” and called it a night for our little miss.

Our Third Anniversary came and went and we opted to spend the day together without Haidyn. We ended up going to see Jurassic World together. We're lucky that the only times we go to the movies in theaters is our anniversary and there is ALWAYS something great playing at that time. As you can tell we don't like to do much without Haidyn. I ended up winning a free unopened Rapunzel doll for Haidyn on FB. We were so excited to give our princess a baby princess.

After our day date we walked around the mall and just spent some alone time together that we rarely ever get. We picked Haidyn up from school to head down to the river to put our toes in the water. It was so relaxing just sitting downtown with my favorite people. When we all started to get antsy we headed to dinner at Men Wielding Fire ( which is so unbelievably good by the way) and had a great dinner with the three of us before heading home for the night. 


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