Friday, April 7, 2017

Costco Healthy Shopping Haul

Shout out to Costco to having so many great healthy food options from beverages to produce. A lot of what we buy from Costco is now organic. We don’t intentionally purchase all organic (with exception to apples because that film is just gross) but I’m so glad that Costco is allowing us to see better food options for a fair price. I try to always buy in bulk as I only shop for our family twice a month and it allows us to keep things fresh. Eating clean for us means that we eat a lot more fresh food (that doesn’t typically have a long shelf life because it’s fresh). Understanding fresh and clean food really puts your food choices into perspective. I’m finding that I’m becoming more aware of what we’re eating as a family.

Our staple Costco Healthy finds (prices are rounded)
Chicken Breasts -20.00
Chicken Sausage - 13.00
Whole Wheat Bread - 4.00
Strawberries – 5.00
Organic Gala Apples 11.00
Organic Plain Yogurt (Rory) - 7.00

2% Milk - 6.00
Unsweetened Almond Milk Case - 8.00
Romaine Lettuce - 5.00
Cuties Oranges - 9.00 
Organic Broccoli 5.00
Greek Yogurt - 7.00
Turkey Bacon - 12.00  
Sweet Potatoes - 11.00 
Quinoa and Brown Rice - 11.00   
Spinach -4.00
Dole Bananas- 2.00
Hillshire Farms Natural Turkey Lunch Meat 11.00
Eggs (5 Dozen)  6.00

Haidyn's favorites ( Not Clean)

Veggie Straws - 6.00
Edamame Chips - 7.00
Luke's BBQ Chips - 6.00


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