Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Core De Force Week 6 | Round Two Week Two

My weaknesses this week are all about my food choices, but bouncing back is becoming easier and easier. I don’t want to be so strict on myself that I can’t let loose once in a while. My workouts this past week are becoming more challenging as now they’re allowing me to push through my limits. I always feel like I’m not doing enough when working out until the very next day when I’m sitting down or picking something up and feel how sore my body is. I realized this week that though this program is tiring and everything that I love in a workout I will have to change it up after my second round is done. I can only take so much of the same thing before I grow tired of doing the same thing over and over again. It’s challenging, but I do need to step it up. I’ve been so bad in capturing my weeks as I’ve been so busy, but I’m ready to see the change from my second round! Bring it week three !


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