Monday, April 3, 2017

Core De Force Week 6 | Round Two

Round two has started before I knew it and I don’t know if I was actually mentally prepared for it. Mentally I prepared myself that the workouts would be easier- they weren’t. If anything I was more challenged this time around. The only thing that was easier about this round was the fact that I KNEW some of the moves. That’s it!  I will admit on here that I did have a breakdown after a bad week at work where I found myself on the couch not moving and eating really really bad. And when I say really bad , I mean it. My really bad eating moment was a pint of Ben & Jerry’s “Tonight Dough”. It’s my favorite ice cream of all time and all my self control went out the window. But at the end of the day I didn’t GAF( if you catch my drift). Bad weeks happen and I let it happen and now I have to gear up to bounce back. I’m not holding myself down nor am I allowing myself to stay down. I’m getting back with no regrets of eating my favorite ice cream. Because if we’re being honest here, it’s been six months since I had that ice cream and I missed it. Moderation is everything (which I need to obviously practice more). I’m refusing to deprive myself of the things I love in life.  Balance is key ! 

P.S.  who else works out with their little ones? Haidyn refuses to leave my side when I workout!


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