Monday, August 21, 2017

Shift Shop | Week One

This is such an amazing workout and its fun! That’s weird for me to say right because it’s a workout, but it’s so true. It’s fun and I think it’s honestly fun because of Chris. He makes these workouts fun because he’s doing them with you. His personality definitely comes out in the videos and he makes you want to work out with him. This workout reminds me so much of CDF. You don’t feel like you’re working out but you definitely are. I’m 2 minutes in and every single day I’m dripping sweat. It’s disgusting but it feels so damn good! 

My improvements this week has definitely been my motivation to work out and my food! My motivation to get through these 21 days is out of this world. I haven’t been this excited to work out since CDF. My food has also been on point! Ugh and it feels so freaking good to say that. I’m getting to the point in my journey that dropping the weight and inches lost are going to be something that only comes if I stay on target with my food. I’m a sucker for anything sweet so if I keep track of my food and stay on point the ABS will come! I’m also at the lowest weight I’ve been in YEARS and I’m so excited to even type that. I can’t wait to see what this week has to bring!


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