Saturday, August 26, 2017

Good Dog-gone Workouts

Many of you that follow me on social media and know that my bluenose pitty is always working out with me . There's never a day that she's not right by my side while I work out. Trust me, I've fought with her to leave me alone but there is no use to it. Instead I've learned to embrace it. I've learned to incorporate her in my daily workouts so that we both get a great heart pumping workout and stay healthy. Here are a few of my tips that help me workout and stay sane with my favorite pit-bull. :) 

1. Yoga / Stretching 

At least one a week my one of my workouts consists some type of stretching or yoga. I will roll out a mat for Rory so that we can stretch together. She definitely beats me when it comes to downward dog , but I'm working on my form. She feels like she's working out right with me and I feel like I'm struggling a little less (on most days). 

2. Running/Walking on the trails

Of course, the obvious workout for dogs is getting them out to walk or run. Pit bulls are infamous for their stamina and energy so letting out all her energy is a must!  We have wonderful trails around our home and I utilize them so that we both get a great workout in. I even let her off her leash (if possible) so that she can run and roam as she pleases. I can't always keep up with her believe it or not! It's more of a push and pull relationship . 

3. Active fetch / Chase Sesh 

I don't know what it is about fetching that Rory despises but she does. She doesn't trust ANYONE playing fetch with her, but we try to play fetch with her regardless and it almost always turns into a chase session. So we're running around the yard and chasing each other having a blast tripping over each other. 

4. Keeping up with toddlers 

Letting Rory run wild and free with Haidyn ( where-ever we are) always seems to drain Rory . It's the first time you will ever see my pup NOT keep up. Whatever they play together will wear her down and I'm thankful for two tired babes at the end of the day ! For you parents out there you know keeping up with a toddler is no east feat. 

5. Workout warrior 

Remember when I told you that I no longer fight her when she work outs with me? She's so curious to what I'm doing so she blocks me when I'm doing a workout so that I know to keep in bounds . She's also makes me work faster. She doesn't allow me to skip or sit down during a workout . She's nudging me to get up and get it done. 

Being active and staying active with your pups is so vital for their health and yours believe it or not. The more active they are the more you stay active. Coincidentally enough, when we brought Rory home that was my purpose for re-homing her. I wanted to stay active with her and almost 2 years in and she's kept me on my toes to say the least. Did you all know that it's national dog day! Naturally, this post is dedicated to my favorite pit bull fur baby Rory. I've partnered up with Puppyspot for this post . Puppyspot is a wonderful community of dog lovers such as myself . They have great information on finding the next love of your life through responsible breeders and how to continue to love your puppy family member when you've take them home. Please for more information click the below links!

Thanks to PuppySpot for the insight on including dogs in your fitness routine. Puppyspot is a wonderful community of dog lovers such as myself . They have great information on finding the next love of your life through responsible breeders and how to continue to love your puppy family member when you've take them home. Please for more information click the below links!


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