Wednesday, October 21, 2015

DIY| Fall Ribbon Garland

Decorations in our home need to be baby proof ( no hard feelings if it gets ruined in 2 seconds by toddler hands) and easy enough to recreate so this year as a family we created our own garland. I've been dying to get my hands on one from Target, but instead I took some inspiration and got creative at home. Everyone helped because it was simple enough to dream to life. It was a great way for all of us to get involved in decorating.


  • different types of ribbons of your choice 
  • twine ( any type you prefer ours is from Walmart

  1. Cut strips of ribbon. It doesn't have to be perfect, at least I didn't make it perfect because I like that look better.  
  2. Measure out your twine to your liking. (I measured mine to fit our mantle.  )
  3. Pierce the top of the ribbon so that you don't lose length tying it onto the twine. ( If you don't want to pierce it you can tie it onto your twine. ) 

  4. Hang up and admire your work!


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