Monday, October 5, 2015

i love you ten

Every statistic that you throw at me is gonna be about other people. I don't care about other people, okay? I care about you and me. If every marriage failed except for one, I guarantee you that one would be ours" - Corey Matthews

I'm lucky that my husband still remembers our first anniversary. Every year we celebrate this special day in addition to celebrating our wedding anniversary. I honestly, think we still celebrate this day because it's the day that changed our lives. 

October 5th, 2005 was the day that I was asked out in front of the vending machines in the common area of our high school at 3:15 pm right before cheer leading practice.  All I could utter was "Aweeee" after he asked me.  We talked about getting married and having a family when we grew up. We never let go of each other... no matter how hard it was to stay together because life was taking us in two different directions.  

  He was the boy that was different from all of the other boys our school.  He had something about him that I chased after for years and still does.  He's pushed me to be a better person. He's made me reach for my dreams even if I'm sure I'll fail. He amazes me every day. He's got the biggest heart in the world. He’s the man I’ve always dreamed of being with. And he's given me the most beautiful little girl, I could have asked for. I'm still not sure that even after all of these years why he puts up with my crazy, OCD ass. I'm still not sure why he loves me as much as he does. And I'm still not sure why he saw me when everyone else thought I was invincible...

My heart still skips a beat when he says my name and I still can’t get over that I am Mrs. Wells. There's no one else I would rather grow old with; I look forward to spending forever with you... Here's to a decade together.


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