Wednesday, September 9, 2015

WEEK IN PICTURES| Labor Day Weekend/ Rib Cook Off

This weekend was the 4 day weekend we needed as a family to recharge for our busy fall schedule ahead. We didn’t have any other plans but to relax, clean the house and eat some ribs at the rib cook-off! We succeeded on all except for the cleaning part. I don’t know what it was, but as soon as I tided up one side of the house she would destroy the other half, resulting in me giving up completely on making everything clean. Maybe she was teaching me a lesson in relaxation? Who knows!

Friday was our day without Waymon, but we treated him to a donut breakfast (we got there way too early as we tried to beat the Friday rush)! Haidyn loved her donut, I got my first DD PSL of the season (by the way so much better than SBUX sorry!) and we learned that Waymon couldn’t take Haidyn’s donut even if she wasn’t eating it. For dinner, we met up with my Mama to eat some BBQ at CBQ. Haidyn got a taste of line dancing and she couldn’t help but shake her thang on the dance floor.

Saturday was our day as a family to just hang out at the mall to find a winter jacket for Haidyn, without my luck. There were NO jackets in stock for her size so instead she got a Doc McStuffins doll and proceeded to be a peach the rest of the day. She’s fighting her 2 nap schedule so bad that she ended up melting down in the middle of the day because of it. I, on the other hand, couldn’t help but capture it.

Sunday was our RIB COOK OFF day! We wait all year to head over to the Rib Cook Off with our family. This year was a little different as we got the chance to check out the carnival too. We got some AZ and MT ribs, fried peaches, and corn on the cob and fresh squeezed lemonade. Haidyn decided to run through the fountains in Victorian Square, full clothed. To our surprise she loved running through the water and didn’t hesitate to keep running. Grandma and Gramps had to buy her a new outfit due to her being soaking wet.  Waymon and I had so much fun taking her on the elephant ride at the carnival. She was so extremely serious when she got on the ride. We weren’t sure if she’d like any of the other rides so we stuck to one ride and called it a day. She didn’t seem to mind since she got to dance with her Gramps.

Monday was our extremely relaxing day. We had a glorious spam, eggs and rice breakfast, followed by a morning with watching our favorite movies! We recharged before we headed to DD again ( I’m guilty of loving them too much this past weekend) and hanging out at the park for the afternoon. We loved the park so much Waymon and I even started to climb all over the jungle gym equipment. Poor Haidyn ended up getting a blister on her hand from climbing so much.


The weekend was such a big success and exactly what we all needed. We got to finally cross of some things off of our summer bucket list and have a ton of fun doing it. We’re not ready to head back into reality this week, but we’re already preparing for the Great Balloon Race this weekend!
Happy Wednesday!

Check out last year's Labor Day WIP here.


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