Friday, September 11, 2015

Friday Favorites

Friday's are always a good day to wrap up the week. Here are my favorite links of the week. 

+ Exorcism shade has me falling in love more and more. 
+ If you haven’t heard SUNNYINRENO is now on Facebook & Youtube

+American Breakfast Black Tea and Honey is helping me stay away from my coffee addiction. I was to the point where I NEEDED 20 oz of coffee to make it through the day. 

+ Jimmy & JT have me laughing at their History of Rap this week .

+ Biebs’ new single  has Haidyn and I dancing all afternoon. The acoustic version is my absolute favorite.

+ The 14th anniversary of 9/11 is today . All of the lives that were lost will be missed and never forgotten. I wrote about my 9/11 experience on Renomomsblog for today’s anniversary. 

Enjoy your weekend everyone! 


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