Friday, September 4, 2015

irritated yet motivated

You know those days that you’re extremely sensitive and the world seems like it’s going against you? I had a week like that. Yup, an entire week ( okay maybe more than a week)  in which I allowed myself to self loathe because I let all of the negativity around me get to me. I really hate when I let myself focus on the negative instead of the positive. After a week of feeling so out of the norm, I had to make myself snap out of it. I had to count my blessings so that I could make them outweigh all the “bad” that was surrounding me. It turns out the “bad” wasn’t bad at all.  I had to open my eyes to the beautiful life that surrounds me and that  I should be thankful for.  In fact the "bad" I saw was a bunch of nonsense, which I decided to take upon myself. I pride myself on being a good friend, but sometimes I forget that their problems aren’t my problems to deal with. I’m merely a set of ears that need to listen and not their solver. With that being sad, I’m glad that my sad/negative spell is over. I’m motivated to stay positive, humble, kind and keep moving forward.It does help a little that I have a 4 day weekend in line for me too! [:


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