Wednesday, September 16, 2015

WEEK IN PICTURES | The Great Balloon Race

Our second balloon race is in the books for us!  Everything seemed to go much faster this year than last year and a little more exciting now that Haidyn actually kind of knew what was going on around her. She was full of “Oohs” and “”Ahhs and “Wows” the entire time. Getting up at 3:00 am on Saturday never felt better than at that moment in time. She danced as the balloons dueled and was surprised that not everyone was dancing with her.

We met up Colbie and Nasaya after dawn patrol to experience their first balloon race. I think the only balloon we really cared about was the Darth Vader and Yoda ones. Could you tell? Last year we didn’t get to see them up close and personal and I’m so glad we got the chance this year. I finally understood why everyone goes nuts for these balloons.  






After the balloon race, we got a quick nap in and met up with my papa for a late lunch at the Lobster buffet.  I ate my weight in lobster with no shame while everyone else actually ate other things. After lunch, we headed the arcade to play some games. Haidyn chose the Jurassic Park game to play first and couldn’t wait to play. She chose games that we would never imagine that she’d want to play. We absolutely love this age with her right now. She wants to explore and question everything and we can’t complain at all.

Happy Wednesday Everyone!
Check out first balloon race, here.


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