Saturday, March 14, 2015

Haidyn Eleven Months

LENGTH: 28 inches

-Dancing to her music. It's probably the cutest thing I've seen ever. 
-Trying to eat Cat food. She loves Sassafras so much that she just wants to be exactly like her. She will try to eat and drink from her food bowls. She's just a little weird. haha 
-Having conversations with everyone. She doesn’t necessarily say much of anything but she does enjoy talking to you about just about anything you want to talk about.
- Her schedule. She is definitely my child when it comes to sticking to what she is use to on a day to day basis. She keeps us in line with her 7:30 p.m. bedtime.
-Walking around the living room. She will grab onto the coffee table, couches, toy bins, etc just to get around the room. She is very determined to walk.
- Remotes and keys. I don’t know what it is about a remote that makes her so happy, but they all excite her. I’ve even tried to buy her fake keys and remotes and they just aren’t the same apparently .
-Going to the store. She loves sitting in the carts and people watching.
-Cooking with Mama. I love how she will stroll into the kitchen and destroy the cupboards while I’m cooking. She wants to smell the food and watch me cook as much as possible.
- Taking baths! The more she grows the eager she is to take a bath. When I let her know she has to take a bath in Tagalog she will scurry to the bathroom and pull herself up to stand next to the tub. She means business!
-School. She loves seeing all of her friends at school as well as Ms. Pattie. She doesn’t have separation anxiety when we drop off, which is something that I’m so thankful for!
-Seeing her grandparents. She loves seeing all of them. Each time she tries to show off something else she learned and each time they are all so impressed and love her a little more than the last time they saw her. She is very spoiled with her grandparents’ love and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

-  Being put in the car seat. Oh man ! Believe me Haidyn if we could take you out of the car seat and into a booster we would… girl is heavvvvy!
-Missing her 7:30 bedtime. Waymon and I decided to have a family date night and we missed her bedtime by 5 minutes and she was not having it. She let us know that we messed up. Lesson learned: NO MORE WEEKDAY FAMILY DATE NIGHTS.
-pulling herself up
-Says “Dada, Daddy, Mama”
-Follows along with nursery games.
-Follows simple commands ( doesn’t like doing it but she does)
- Gives kisses ( Mmmmaa)  


 -First Valentine’s Day
-Lola's birthday! 
-lowering her bed all the way down :( 


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