Sunday, March 15, 2015


Now, that I'm pulling back from my hectic life I decided I wanted this blog to have a personal touch to it. I wanted to put more of myself on here since it is my  blog. Starting this segment with my ramblings, thoughts and everything else in between so I can sit here and write to my hearts content. How silly is it that I usually don't do that in the first place?!? The title says everything you need to know about me and the blog all in one. Now let's just hope I don't get too carried away. (;

001.This week I've been battling the fact that my baby is no longer going to be a baby in 30 days. She will offically be one and there's no stopping her from growing. Sometimes I wish I could stop her just for a little bit just so I can enjoy her as a baby a little longer, but I know I can't. That reality hit me quite hard when I realized that I needed to  start shopping around for her car seat. Safety reviews, 5 point harnesses, size, color all came to mind at once. Waymon and I have been hunting/dreading our next carseat purchase. Those things ain't cheap! And thanks to our schedules we each have to buy one car seat for each car. Our wallets  were not happy that each car seat we loved were around $200.00-$350.00 range. YIKES! But because I'm a bargain hunter at heart ( more like cheapskate)  I know that a lot of people sell their used brand new car seats for a steal in alternative places. In the end, I got Haidyn 2 car seats pretty close to brand new for $150.00 ( queue high five here). Yup, we paid for the price of 1 car seat and got 2 of them. Waymon gets the Graco  because it's "cooler" looking and I get the Britax one because well I just love everything about Britax.

002. Haidyn's birthday is around the corner and I don't know if I should buy her a cake to save me time or if I should just make it myself like everything else at her party. If I haven't told you all yet, the theme to her party is "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" . We chose the theme since it was the first book she kicked while I was reading it to her in the womb--sometimes I really miss being pregnant. I haven't decided what I want to do, but Waymon is pretty convinced that we can make a mean cake by ourselves. I'm really indecisive so I still have no verdict.

003. We decided that we would always get her 2 presents for her special occasions; one from Daddy and one from Mama to keep things personal. And thanks to a fellow blogger she turned me to these wonderful handmade dolls. Thank you Brenn!  Friends of Suzy has such a wide variety of dolls that fit everyone. Needless to say, they are perfect for B. She is always lugging around Mowglie that I figured it would be nice if she got to play with Daddy and Mama too. I customer ordered dolls to look like Waymon and myself. I can't even tell you how anxious I am to see the finished project. I emailed the shop 2 -3 times because I was so excited. I will update once they arrive.

004. I photographed my first wedding this past week. I was honored being there to share their special day with them that I even cried!

005.I was featured on Skinnymom's IG this past week. Now, being featured on a IG account may not impress you, but it impressed me because of the account itself. I love Skinnymom's website because it shows you that don't have to sacrifice taste to be healthy, which is what I'm all about. Little tweaks make such a big difference in trying to become healthier. With all the junk out there readily avliable I'm glad that a website like this can curb my husband's taste for god awful food ( he would eat out for his meals all the time if I let him).

006. I am a bit of a Netflix addict. I can't help it! When I want to sit an unwind I want to get lost in a series. It's bittersweet that I finally finished SOA. I can't tell you how much I love this series. Kurt Sutter did such amazing job writing the entire series that it keeps you wanting more . And seriously, Charlie Hunnam? Yeah need I say more? I have a mug with this guy on it because I love him so much. Don't worry, Waymon already knows ;)

Now that it's over I have to find a new series... which I did and then I already finished it in a week. Whoops... In my defense it is a fairly short series and addictive. Unbreakable Kimmie Schmidt took over my life this past week and rocked it! I'm a sucker for anything written by Tina Fey. She is a genius. If you haven't watched the series, please do! I promise you will not regret it.


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