Sunday, March 22, 2015


001.Most days I really love being a working mom but it really does kill me a little inside knowing that because I work a lot, I also miss a lot of time with B. The other morning she decided to wake up at 3:30 am and talk to her Mowgs so that I would come and get her. I always cave in and sat there rocking her in her rocking chair and singing her favorite songs. It put her at ease and back to sleep.; which made my entire day. I really hope that I get to experience her being a snuggle bug even when she gets older; I just won’t tell her that I enjoy it. [:

002.Daily walks with Haidyn have been our way of getting out of the house to catch some fresh air and for me to lose these pesky last pounds of post pregnancy weight! On the days that it’s nice enough to play at the park, we usually spend a good 30 minutes playing and crawling around the jungle gym. She loves the slide and swings more than anything else at the park.  I love the way she will sit there quietly on our walk while I sit there and talk her ear off. While we’re at the park, we switch roles on who is talking [: Our local park is about a mile there and a mile back. It’s a great exercise when I commit to it. I also like to walk us to the store instead of taking the car. It is an uphill battle getting to where we need to be because we live in NW Reno, but it’s such a good workout that I don’t mind it at all.

003.Speaking of the weather. .. I’m starting to get so excited about how amazing the weather is starting to be!! I’m crossing my fingers that it’ll stay that way for B’s party next month.  We get to do so much more things because of the nice weather. We usually end up having picnics at a new park, early morning hikes and just playing at the park! We have become the family that is allergic to indoors when the sun is out. Can you blame us though? The weather has been too wonderful  to stay indoors, which is perfect because us being out all day wandering tuckers Haidyn out.

004.Haidyn’s birthday party is in the works. The theme is “ The Very Hungry Caterpillar” ! I totally have  everything set in my mind and I can only hope I transfer it all to paper for the big day. I really want this celebration to be big for her. I’ve gotten her birthday gifts ( I will post a link to my gift soon) and birthday outfit ( I will post this link too after her party/photos are done)  so you know I’m extremely anxious to get this party rollin! Our family is a HUGE help when we need to get decorations done. We try really hard to be creative and it usually turns out amazing.

005.Weight loss is always on my mind. I don’t know why it is but it always is. I’ve read a lot about detox teas since a lot of my friends are using, but thanks to me being a cheapskate I cannot shelf out $45.00 for a box of tea. I wanted to find a tea that would reduce bloating and just help me with my weight loss ( as I have about 5lbs more to lose). I found one while I was at Whole foods just wandering in the aisles- Allegro Organic Spring Clean Detox Tea. And good thing I wandered because this stuffed worked wonders on me. I didn’t change my eating habits at all, but it definitely changed them for me. I wanted to eat less and I craved healthier choices rather than all the junk I really wanted. The tea is sweet and definitely hit the spot when I wanted to just snack for no reason. As it doesn’t promote weight loss I didn’t assume that it was going to make me lose a ton of weight, but in the end of my 20 tea packets I did lose a lot of bloating and 4 lbs give or take. I definitely will be getting more!

006.Thanks to time hop I was also reminded this week that Waymon proposed to me 3 years ago on March 18th. We were talking about how crazy it is that so much as changed in just 3 years. I remember that we had talked about marriage before him proposing a lot and he would just shrug it off as if he wasn’t really paying attention to what I was saying. Low and behold he definitely was. He chose the best ring and he listened to every word I said. He caught me by surprise with the proposal. Gah!  I can’t help but just love him since he still surprises me every day.

007. Haidyn also celebrated her first St.Patrick's Day! I had no idea how much we don’t wear green until Waymon had to TRY and find something green for B. Poor girl had to wear her Easter dress a little early just because she really doesn’t have anything green. We have teal but nothing green.  I’m sure she would’ve been fine with just a bow, but Daddy had to put her in something green. We ended up eating lots of green for dinner though! For dinner we had Ricotta Spinach stuffed Chicken with creamy parmesan rice and for dessert we each had a St. Patty’s cupcake from Mix Cupcake Co. Dinner was delish and Haidyn didn’t say anything at all during dinner because she was too busy stuffing her face. ( Queue Proud Mama Dance HERE) Waymon and I loved the cupcake dessert though. OH MY GOODNESS they were soooo good. Haidyn had a Vanilla Bean one and ate it all. It was her first time having a cupcake and she loved every bite of it. Waymon got a Mint Chocolate one while I got a Chocolate Guinness one. We halved each other’s cupcakes so we could share. Let me just tell you my Oh My Guiness cupcake was uhmazing! It was a Guiness chocolate cake, Jameson filling and Bailey’s Irish Cream Cream Cheese Icing. Mmm I already miss it.


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