Monday, August 4, 2014

Family Visit

I always love when Haidyn gets to meet new people. She loves it. I honestly think she enjoys trying to make everyone smile. It's contagious. She's not picky about who she meets or where she meets them. Everyone is new and interesting. I'm get exceptionally excited when she gets to meet our family members.

Haidyn met my Auntie Tia  and Uncle Eddie today. She was not shy. She showed off her coordination and her ability to stand! She grew prouder of herself every time they cheered. She eagerly smiled at them while they spoke in Tagalog as if she knew exactly what they were saying.

Haidyn got to meet a very special family member of mine, my older cousin Nona. I haven't seen my Ate Nona in over 10 years. The last time I saw her I was 10 years old and I remember idolizing her all because I wanted to be just like her. She lives in the Philippines with her beautiful family. I'm thrilled that I got to see her again and that she got to meet the loves of my life. I hope that we get to meet her family in the Philippines one day too.


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