Tuesday, August 5, 2014

20 Things I Learned While I Was on Maternity Leave

Now that I've been back to work for about two months ... I reminisce on  the days I spent at home with our little girl. I knew  how long 8 weeks was, but I couldn't wait to go back to work. As soon as I was released to go back to work at 6 weeks , I did. But on my leave, I did learned a few things about her and myself that changed myself forever.

1. Every little thing is a HUGE win. Trying to get everything done in a day is almost impossible now, but if I tried than that's all that matters.
2.Grey's Anatomy saved me from boredom  when everyone else was at work and they couldn't talk to me. 
3.Your real friends will come through  because not everyone wants to come over while you look frumpy.
 4. Being a mom isn't a part time gig. It's a round the clock gig. 
5.Getting sleep when you can the first few weeks is the key to staying alive. 
6. I will never be worry free ever again. I use to think that I would stop worrying after awhile, but now the worry is 24/7 and I can't stop it.  


 7.Make up really isn't that important. 
  8.Washing your hair is REALLY important.
9. My house will never be super clean ever again. 
10.My schedule will never be clear ever again. I have to plan everything.... 
11.Going to the bathroom/showering is a luxury. 
12.Taking too many pictures isn't enough pictures

13. Getting her on a  schedule was  sooooooo important otherwise she has no structure. 
14. Kissing her until she was sick of me every day was my lifesaver. 
15. Holding her all the time didn't spoil her in the least bit. 
16. She really loves when I sing to her and she doesn't care how awful I sound.  
17. Being a parent is everything I hoped it was going to be and more. I wouldn't change a thing.
18. Every day she will be the priority. Our world now revolves around Haidyn . 
19. Watching her sleep was the most rewarding and peaceful thing I will ever experience. 
20. Time really goes by so,so fast. 


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