Thursday, August 14, 2014

Haidyn Four Months!

LENGTH: 23 inches

-Being on the floor. She is all about tummy time! 
-Grabbing Mommy's hair, jewelry, shirt and etc. You name it she's trying to grab it. 
-Talking! She found her voice and she'll talk to you just as long as you talk back. 
-Breakfast and Dinner time. She loves eating her cereal. She looks forward to it.
-When people cook! She loves smelling all of the new foods that are surrounding her. I don't think we're going to make it to 6 months.
-Sleeping in on the weekends. Poor baby girl needs to get up at 530 am on the weekdays. She ends up getting up at 730 on the weekends :)
-Warm bathes. She really likes her bathes warm. You can see it in her face. 
-Being up in the air with Daddy .
-Sucking her thumb. She got rid of the binky and is obsessed with her thumb.

-Pooping :( Because she's started eating food some times she has a hard time pooping . It's all because it's different. 

-Trying to Roll! She will roll/scoot to get whatever she wants. 
-She holds her head up! She can hold it up for as long as she needs to eat. 
-She can entertain herself on the floor, in her crib, in her car seat.
-She can recognize herself in the mirror.
-She waves her toys around.
-She will follow the toy you put in front of your face. She will even follow you too!

-Lunch w/ Papa Lolo
-Started teething ( cutting 2 teeth!)
-First virus :( - Not fun for baby girl
-Meeting Auntie Nona, Lola Tia and Lolo Eddie.
-Meeting Auntie Fee Fee
-Eating cereal!
-Met Uncle Travis!


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