Sunday, August 24, 2014

Working Mom Essentials

  1. Not Your Mother's Clean Freak Dry Shampoo - This is my favorite dry shampoo right now. It gets the job done and it doesn't break the bank. I use this more often than not because sometimes I just flat out don't have the time to wash my hair everyday. It's a lifesaver for me trying to put myself together for work. 
  2. Kleenex- I usually have stuff all over my face or clothes from feeding Haidyn, so I carry the travel size Kleenex everywhere I go. 
  3. 12 Benefits Rapid Blowout Argan Oil Blow Dry Spray- A friend of mine gave this to me because she didn't like it on her hair, but it works wonders for me. It speeds up your drying time ( and I have a lot of hair) as well as adds shine to your hair. 
  4. Homemade Coffee/Starbucks Iced Coffee-These days, I need my caffine fix due to lack of sleep. Now don't gget me wrong Haidyn has been sleeping throughout the night since she was 2 1/2 months old, but Mama doesn't always get that luxury because I have so much to do with not enough time during the day. 
  5. O.P.I Coney Island Cotton Candy Polish- This is my favorite neutral shade of nail polish. I use to love, love, love big and bold colors, but t now with less time for myself I don't have enough tidod my nails when they chip. This color lasts long so that I don't have to polish often and it gives your nails that sleek shine without overdoing it with the top coats. 
  6. Flip Flops- I love wearing my work shoes, but at the end of the day I need to change into something comfortable. I also bring these to work if I'm wearing heels. :) I walk to the door with flip flops and do a quick switch before I walk in, just so my feet have a little break. And... HELLO have you tried carrying a car seat with heels? It's very challenging that I should put it on my resume. 
  7. Monthly Planner - Everything in our lives now has to be planned and organized. Haidyn has her own schedule and so do we. This is the one thing that helps us get to where we need to be daily. There is also always a sale on these bad boys at Target.
  8. Melaluca GC Control Shakes - These shakes work as my breakfast. They're filling and blend right into a smoothie or I mix them into my coffee. It helps  me not over eat throughout the day as well. My favorite is the chocolate. 
  9. Goody Hair Ties for Thick Hair- I always have to have a  hair tie with me at all times. Haidyn is really good at grabbing Mommy's hair and pulling on it. Because of that I tie my hair up when I'm with her and she's in her ''let's grab everything" mode. 
  10. Water Bottles- I carry one in my purse all the time. I tend to put my needs on the back burner now, but it serves as a constant reminder to drink more fluids throughout the day. 


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