Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Honoring Family

 Last Sunday, we came together as a family to honor a very missed Uncle Harold. We gathered to take a beautiful early morning hike at Mount Rose for him .  The winds brushed by us gently. The sun kissed our cheeks as we rose through the mountain. The air grew thin around us as we climbed, but we felt relief the higher we hiked. The higher we were, the farther away we were from all the nonsense we left behind in the city.

 We were all in awe of how beautiful and peaceful it was up in the mountains. We hiked to the perfect spot that overlooked Lake Tahoe. Everyone shared stories of the late Harold. Auntie Paula sang a moving song for him against the sun that you could feel in your bones. You could feel the love from everyone pouring out with every beat of her drum. I never got to meet him, but listening to everyone's stories about him brought him back to life. Everyone was uplifted to hear his stories again and to know that he will always be missed
but never forgotten.

 Sometimes we take life for granted and everything beautiful it has to offer us. We forget that we have so much to be grateful for in our lives . Getting away from everything and spending the day with the family away from everything we have to deal with in our daily lives gave us such a good feeling. We came home relaxed and at ease. Counting our blessings is a lot more reassuring than counting everything that didn't go right in our day.


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