Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Week in Pictures: Christmas/Moving/23rd Birthday

Ahh!! There is so much I have to write about this week! WARNING LONG POST AHEAD!!  I've been stuck to my camera like white on rice this week. (Haha oh god ) Waymon got me a Canon Rebel for Christmas and I've been attached to it, attempting to take pictures of everything and anything. He wanted me to have something I could use for the blog so that I wouldn't have to use my phone all the time. I freaked out when I opened it. I couldn't believe I was getting a camera so nice!! BEST PRESENT EVER!! 

We opened our presents up early because of our move. I can't complain about that! 

     Waymon and I got news last week that we got the house we wanted and have been packing frantically ever since.. Bahahaha if only that were true. The reality of it is that we intended to pack during the week to avoid the mad rush of things to pack in the end, but we procrastinated and started getting our asses into gear the night before we needed to be all packed and ready to go. Packing was extremely difficult for me this time around since I hit my 6 month mark last week. I felt awful going so slow with everything, but Waymon reminded me that I AM pregnant and that he didn't mind if we needed to take our time on packing and moving.

     I completely disregarded what he told me and I still felt like a piece of S@#% not being able to pack my apartment up in 2 days like I did the last apartment move. It took me a week and a half to pack what I packed in 2 days post pregnancy.  It depressed me a bit, but hey whatever... We hired movers this time around so that we both wouldn't have to struggle up and down 3 flights of stairs during our move out.
       The move was emotional for me since we spent a lot of time trying to tidy the place up before we officially moved in Saturday. We would stay a couple hours at a time getting cozy at the house and then go back to our small apartment to sleep at night D: So sad! I didn't want to leave the house after being in it during the day. I love the energy the new house had. *Que in your rolling eyes here since this pregnant girl had drama queen emotions moving week* All of the emotion except for excitement subsided as we moved in Saturday. It's a mess, but it's our mess. I still can't believe that we fit all of our stuff into a 2 bedroom apartment. All of our things fill up our 3 bedroom, tri-level home just fine. Thank you to everyone that helped us move. It was greatly appreciated and needed!!

24 week bare belly

      Christmas was during our moving week and we spent Christmas Eve with Waymon's side of the family and Christmas night with my mom. Going to Wadsworth for the holidays is always fun. We get to exchange gifts amongst ourselves and get to see all of the kids run around playing with each other. Christmas Eve, I baked sugar and chocolate chip cookies for the kids at the house. ( I would bake fattening goodies as my first thing I make at the new house.)  I gave in to temptation and ate some anyways... SHH! Don't tell. :) We ate Chinese food with my in-laws as we talked about little Miss Wells and watched football. We admired Bonnie as she was roaming the Wells' household. We can't believe how happy and good she looks. She's so spoiled, but she deserves it!  We exchanged gifts and revealed baby Wells' name to her grandparents. The reaction they both had was amazing and I wish I could've recorded it to watch over and over again. That was a priceless Christmas gift.

     After our exchange we went to see the rest of the family. We walked into a joyful house full of kids wanting to give everyone a million hugs. Waymon brought in the cookies and the kid's eyes widened with excitment while the adults asked for Miss Wells' name. The energy of the room could fill your heart with so much joy that you didn't want to leave, but unfortunately shortly after arriving  we had to leave since it was getting late.
     Christmas night with my mom was laid back and much needed. We were over at the house again just organzing some of the stuff we had already moved over. She brought over our gifts and food (YAY! Mommy!). We sat on the staircase and floor while we ate our pancit. After eating we left the house to go to back to the apartment since we had to work the next day :( BOO!
     My birthday rolled around and it didn't feel like my birthday until Waymon picked me up in our kitchen to wish me a happy birthday before work that morning. I'm seriously so blessed to have a good man. I had to work that day, but everything was so laid back that it didn't matter. We went to sushi for dinner and I was hoping that there was an entree that Waymon could eat. He didn't want to eat any of the listed entrees and decided to do an AYCE with me. YAY! We tried weird sushi together for the first time and he actually enjoyed it. Spicy Tuna roll killed us ! *damn you siracha!* But I was overjoyed and surprised that he actually ate sushi with me. I probably won't have him eat sushi every again, but I'm glad he came with.

Sweetest man ever

 After sushi, Stacy delievered my birthday cake. It was the most delicious ice cream cake EVER. Chocolate Caramel Pecan Ice Cream Cake with Vanilla Whipped Frosting!!!! (Are you drooling? You should be)  I've always wanted an ice cream cake for my birthday and I finally got one at 23. :) I can't complain. Thank God my best friend can bake and make my eating wishes come true!


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