Thursday, December 5, 2013

Papaya Week


How far along? 21 weeks!

Total weight gain/loss: 129.2 this week. BAH! That means a +2.4 lbs gain from last week and an overall weight gain of +10.7 lbs. When my OB said that it wouldn't be hard for me to gain weight he was right! With last week being Thanksgiving I've been eating a looooooot. hahah whoops :D
Maternity clothes? Maternity jeans this week. My regular jeans' zipper was hurting my belly :(

Stretch marks? None , just the old ones from when I was growing up. :)
Sleep: I'm on high alert these days. I think it's from everything freezing over. I want everything to be prepared so that we aren't rushing in the mornings.
Best moment this week: My brother swearing into the Army :) It's so weird seeing him grow up so fast. I know it has to happen it but you know...  We did a walk through of a perfect rental home. They can only hold it for 10 days so we have to wait to put in our application :( But it was seriously so perfect and it felt like home <3 Also making my first apple pie! I feel so domesticated haha.
Miss anything? Nothing really. I'm use to being pregnant now.
Movement: KICKING!!! Ahhh our baby girl is strong and I'm loving it. It freaked me out in the beginning since it felt like bubbles but mommy is loving it.

Food cravings: HOT CHEETOS!!!!!! AHHH. I love spicy everything right now:)
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing really this week! :D
Gender:                      GIRL GIRL GIRL!!

Labor signs: No No No.
Symptoms: Backaches and heartburn this week, but nothing too bad.

Belly button in or out? In!
Wedding rings on or off? On.

Happy or moody most of the time: Happy Happy Happy! No bad days for this mama.
Looking forward to: Looking into more rental homes and seeing my girl on my birthday December 30th!


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