Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Recap 2013/HAPPY 2014!!

   So many people have different resolutions during the new year whether it's to lose weight, make more money and etc. This year all I remember that I wanted to do is to make a change in my life. Make a change to be a better person all around to everyone and for myself. I wanted to inspire people and make a change.  I wanted it so that people would come to me to brighten up their day instead of making their lives miserable like so many people do these days. I wanted to make sure that I found my happiness in this life I was given.

I've spent so much of my teen years being negative because I thought that the world was completely against me. Of course, the latter never did me any good. I know shocker...
There is so much negativity in this world and I wanted /want to be the sliver of positivity among people. It's helped me so much just trying to think outside the box of the GOOD things in life instead of counting all of the bad. There is so much to look forward to in life when you count your blessings instead. I have so much to be grateful for in this life and I cannot even imagine a day that I would be ungrateful for all of those beautiful things.


     2013 brought me more insight in the person I am becoming, what I am capable of and who really does care about me in life. I've struggled for so long with friends. I've questioned which people  should stay and which should go and I can finally tell you who my best friend is in this world.
 The struggles I've dealt with this year don't even seem like struggles anymore. I've overcome my fears in the workpalce, physically and emotionally. I feel like a stronger person because of those struggles. I know that it's not the end of them just yet, but I am definitely more than ready to take on anything that is thrown my way.

I've learned to let go of what I can't control and let life take it's course. Some things in life are just better unplanned. I'm learning that I cannot plan every detail of my family's lives. Nothing is going to go my way and I'm okay with that finally. I'm finally happy with the unexpected gracing us with its' presence.  Life is beautiful with all the good, bad and the ugly that happens everyday. I remind myself everyday to look at the big picture: look at the bright side. There is always a bright side.
I no longer second guess myself in what I "think" I will be able to do. I make a plan, throughly process it through and tackle it head on. There is no point in "trying" to accomplish something when I know that I CAN DO IT. I know that no matter what I will get through any bump in the road that life may through at me with the support of my family; especially my supportive husband. All the tears and laughter of 2013 is going to make 2014 so much better that I can imagine.

2014 is going to be such an amazing year to say the least. As my family and I move on with our lives in our new home anxiously waiting for baby girl to arrive. We are ready to see what this new year has to offer us. We didn't expect our baby girl this year at all, but with all the love and support we are surrounded with we know that this is the best blessing we could've asked for. We are in shock of how many people this little girl can make smile even when she is still in the womb. It's amazing to me how loved she is when no one has seen her precious face yet. She's the one thing that makes 2014 so much more exciting as well as many more years to come. We want to grow from this point all for her and our girls. We knew that when we got married a year and a half ago that our life together would start before we knew it and it did. We knew that our family would expand at anytime and it did. We're ready for this upcoming year and many more. It'll all be written down for everyone to see too. That's a promise.

Happy 2014!


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