Monday, November 4, 2013

Week in Pictures|Relaxing and Food!!

This week has been sooo exciting for the Wells' family. Baby H is moving and you can see it too! We couldn't be any happier to see our baby move and groove. :) Other than the baby, I've eaten my way through Reno with my mom and best friend. ... What can I say? ha Pregnant girls needs to eat. I've also been trying to relax and enjoy being pregnant. My days are a blur since work is so busy. It was an amazing week to say the least.

FOOD PORN of this week
*and yes I am that girl to take pictures of my food at restaurants.. 
How else am I going to remember the best food I've eaten?!?

Chicken Satay at Thai Chili 
Spicy Seafood Basil at Thai Chili
Toppings with yogurt ha! at Sweet Frog
Pumpkin Tea Latte at Too Soul Tea
Their 1 year anniversary was Sunday :) Love this place!
Beef Bourguignon from Bowl on my dinner date with Mommy <3

My relaxing time was spent at Soak Nail Spa & Lounge. The technicians are unbelievably nice and know what they're doing. I will definitely relax with them more often :P
First time at Soak
Hot towel wrap
While I enjoyed my Green Tea, Stace enjoyed her mimosa during our pedicures. Boo!  
Other than a pedicure this week. I've been lounging with my girls at home... as you all know Sass is more photogenic than Bon is. So she's a camera whore (again) this week and she doesn't mind.
Best sweater to lounge in from Old Navy!  
Sass getting a whiff of my bedtime tea. 

Sass trying to eat grapes silly girl.


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