Friday, November 29, 2013

Banana Dark Chocolate Chip Pancakes

Today's breakfast was delicious! It was fast and easy. Semi-homemade recipes are beginning to be so much fun :) I made these to surprise Waymon for breakfast. He didn't leave anything on his plate, so I think I did an okay job ;)

Ingredients :
-1 banana
-1 cup of ready made pancake mix (mine is from Target)
-2/3 cup of water
- cinnamon (use as much or as little as you'd like)
-dark chocolate chips (use as many of as little as you want)
-canola oil spray

-Preheat pan under medium-high heat
-Mash banana with a fork in a medium bowl
-Sprinkle in a dash of cinnamon
-Add in ready made pancake mix and water
-Fold in mixture together
-Add in chocolate chips. Do not over mix.
-Spray pan with canola oil and pour in batter
-Flip pancake over when pancake starts to bubble around the edges


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