Thursday, October 31, 2013

Avocado Week


How far along: 16 weeks :) 

Total Weight Gain/Loss: I'm weighing in at 121 lbs which is a loss -1 lb from last week but overall gain +2.5 lbs. I thank my slow weight gain to drinking my weight in water. I've been drinking anywhere between 8 glasses of water to a gallon a day.

Maternity clothes: Rocking the belly belt and huge maternity pants. ha! I've been trying to wear leggings/yoga pants as much as possible even at work. They're just so much more comfortable than jeans.

Stretch marks: None ... so far (fingers crossed).

Sleep: I learned this week, that if I don't get a nap in.. I get a little cranky/crazy. :) I'm trying to rest as much as I can since I walk all day at work, but it's still a struggle to find a balance some days. At night I'm sleeping through the night, but as soon I wake up I HAVE to pee.

Best moment this week: Feeling Baby H move!!! I finally felt the "bubbles" feeling this week. Now baby will move to music or when I get excited. 

Movement: Officially moving! I love feeling the baby move around. Baby H responds to music now. I have her listening to classical music through headphones right now. Her favorite is a song right now is from Lord of the Rings... someone is taking after their daddy :) 

Food cravings: Asian food this week, apples on apples on apples and any kind of soup!! All I want to eat is soup for dinner everyday. 

Gender: We still believe Baby H is a princess  :D 

Labor signs: Nope! 

Belly button - in or out? In for now. 

What I miss: Still missing not having head/backaches. It's a constant now. Both are still tolerable. THANK GOD! 

What I am looking forward to: Finding out Baby H's sex on November 25th! I can't wait! 

Milestones: Feeling movement and no longer being able to suck in my tummy. I can't wait to see a bump!!!!


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