Thursday, November 21, 2013

Mango Week

How far along:19 weeks! 

Total Weight Gain/Loss: This week I'm at 125.8 ! That's a gain +2 lbs from last week and an overall gain of +7.3 lbs. Not too shabby for 5 months!

Maternity clothes: Still rockin my hair tie with my belly band since I've given up hope on finding my belly belt.

Stretch marks: Still none... YAY!! 

Sleep: No more naps D: but I'm still sleeping through the night!

Best moment this week: Seeing that I gained weight finally! I haven't gained a lot of weight and I've been worried a bit. It snowed today which is would be the first snow fall of this year. I complete agree that good things are coming my way due to the snow:)  Also, Waymon finally felt the baby move. AHH! I wish I could've recorded the look on his face. 

Movement: Baby moves all the time I love it! 

Food cravings: Nothing this week, which is weird. 

Gender: We still believe Baby Wells is a princess  :D 

Labor signs: Nope! 

Belly button - in or out? In for now. 

What I miss: Laying on my back and not having headaches all the time:( 

What I am looking forward to: Finding out Baby H's sex on November 25th! It's so close!!!! 

Milestones: Showing more :) 


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