Thursday, October 3, 2013


I met my husband my sophomore year in high school, married him right after I graduated TMCC and a year later I am pregnant with our first child . Needless to say, we are through the roof with happiness with this new blessing in our life. This pregnancy came to us by surprise, but it's the best surprise we could've asked for. We've always talked about being parents and now it's all coming true.

I had no idea I was pregnant until an elder woman at work told me that there was something about me that changed overnight. I thought she was out of her mind- nothing about me changed. She told me to take a test anyways , what could it hurt? I did as I was told and sure enough the test turned positive quickly. I cried as soon as I saw the results . I knew that, that positive test was going to rock my world. 
The next morning, I called my OB to confirm my results and sure enough the most perfect little olive sized baby was in me. We were going to be parents April 2014. I was 9 weeks and 1 day pregnant on Sept. 13th. I cried again and couldn't look at my husband as we watched our baby on the monitor do a baby hula dance. This was real. This is the beautiful product of our love.
I can't wait to meet you Baby H<3