Thursday, October 17, 2013

Lemon Week- Hello Second Trimester!

How far along: 14 weeks! Goodbye first trimester!!! 

Total Weight Gain/Loss: I think it's safe to say I've gained 2-3lbs at this point.

Maternity clothes: I've got my belly belt and I bought maternity jeans and a maternity tank top from Old Navy. I haven't worn the tank top yet, but I've worn the jeans . I've got to say those things are sooooo comfy.

Stretch marks: None ... so far (fingers crossed).

Sleep: My usual afternoon cat nap with Sassafras ( ha get it? ) and am finally able to sleep through the night without having to get up to pee every 10 seconds.  I hope it stays that way... probably not.

Best moment this week: Buying Baby H's first book:) 

Movement: More movement from last week, but no kicks. 

Food cravings: Persimmons and rice! My mom has been cooking for me allll week which includes rice in almost every meal. 

Gender: We still believe Baby H is a princess  :D 

Labor signs: Nope! 

Belly button - in or out? In for now. 

What I miss: Buttoning my jeans. 

What I am looking forward to: Next doctor appointment on Oct. 28th.

Milestones:  Finally getting some ab work and yoga in this week. It's a lot harder now that I have to be careful of everything thing though. 


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