Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Daily veggie intake.... Yuck !

Before my pregnancy, I was never a picky eater and now I can't stand a lot of things. I can't stand VEGETABLES... most of all. YUCK!!! I figured that no matter what I had to get them down someway and somehow.

 My first option,  I tried juicing all my veggies and fruit.  I loved juicing everything before . I loved the juice that came that came from it all. It tasted great and it was great for you before I was pregnant . Everything changed . Apparently juicing isn't helping me either . I can still taste the vegetables instead of all of the fruit . I wasn't having that. I threw my juice away or would make a huge scene over drinking  8 oz of juice . Can you say drama queen?!?!

Finished product !

My second (and final) option was to blend ! Blending everything in my Ninja was wayyyy better. THANK GOD!! The texture isn't so bad although it is chunky compared to juicing . It tastes a lot better for me right even if the same fruits and veggies are in it :) I'm awfully picky now ha! So far, I can make a blender full of my smoothie and it'll last up to two days . I'm always on the go for work so this helps a lot. What's better than convenient, delicious and nutritious ?!? 

I'm really glad I'm getting my veggies and fruits in. I'm not very hungry all the time so this makes me feel better about my nutrition intake . Let's hope I can keep this up :)

Typical Smoothie Ingredients:
-Frozen fruit blend (Tropical medley/Three berry blend)


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