Monday, May 9, 2016

Mother's Day Weekend

Mother’s Day weekend has come and gone already. All I wanted was a clean house, all the laundry to be done, good food, quality time with family and Star Wars!! I got all of that and more.  I am so thankful that I got to spend time with the people I love the most this weekend.  In previous years, we made a fuss to go out of town to celebrate Mother’s Day. This weekend I wanted the exact opposite of that. We always have so much going on now that I wanted to slow things down. Isn’t that what we all want anyways?   

I will admit, it seems that every Mother's Day so far has made me work for the day. Haidyn was not having it at all this past weekend in which her sassiness was turned up extra high. She needed me to sleep with her and threw extra long fits wherever we went. Just as I wanted to give up and throw up my hands, Jon had flowers delivered to my door. I don’t particularly like flowers, but after such a hectic day with Haidyn and her sass it was an amazing reminder that I’m doing just fine as a Mama. Waymon came in surprising me with my most wanted lipsticks of the season for Mother’s Day, so you know how excited I was! 

This weekend was full of running errands per usual, going to a family birthday party and setting up for our family late lunch/ early dinner at our home. Haidyn had so much fun at her cousin's birthday party. Of course she didn't care about anything else except for the goat. She was insistent that it was a puppy. 

 On Sunday, we got to spend time all together as a family for a late lunch/early dinner. Haidyn was excited that all of her Grandparents were together. Rory even came out to play to greet everyone. Not one person left without food in their hand and overstuffed with food. We had plenty of food (you would’ve thought we were having a party for of 10 people) and drinks to go around. I’m looking forward for more family get togethers in our home soon!


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