Friday, May 20, 2016

Those Wells Girls

There’s nothing I love more than watching these two become the best of friends.  They both get so excited when they see each other and love when they get to cause havoc in our home together. They really wouldn’t be ours if they weren’t causing some kind of ruckus. Watching them grow together is something that I’ve always wanted since I never got to have a puppy of my own growing up. We wanted to make sure that Haidyn knew that Rory is her little sister all while instilling in Rory that Haidyn is still a baby. 

Haidyn always treats her as if she is an actual baby. There is never a dull moment where she isn’t bossing Rory around to do God knows what.  Waymon and I always try to sneak up on them when it’s just the two of them playing. Haidyn is having full conversations with Rory whether it’s happy, sad or mad.  The laughing that comes out of their conversations (obvs only from Haidyn) is enough to melt your heart on any given day.  She will forever remind you that Rory is HER puppy. Whoever said Pitbulls aren't family dogs obviously hasn't seen these two.