Thursday, May 5, 2016

Mother's Day Wishin'

Today, Haidyn and her school made all the moms lunches and a tie dye hat for Mother's Day. My heart just about exploded when I saw both waiting for me.  The lunch was delicious to say the least.

Mother’s day is just around the corner and I can’t wait for a relaxing weekend with my girls and husband. The past few Mother’s days we’ve gone out of town to celebrate but this year I want to keep everything simple. I never ask for anything on Mother’s day, yet I’m sure my husband will find a way to go around that. I  must admit, that I do love the cards he gets me . I honestly, just to spend quality time eating and watching Star Wars in a clean house where all of the laundry is put away. *hint hint* We’re always so on-the-go lately that I just want to slow things down a bit. 

Saturday, of course we have tons of errands to run for mother’s day / the rest of the week and a family birthday party to attend.  But Sunday, I’ve planned a late lunch/early dinner for our families to get together and enjoy some home cooked meals- by home cooked I mean lechon and rice. I’m also hoping to get some mimosas / any other cocktails in there for the entire family to enjoy. This get together is very rare so it’s going to be great if everything falls through.   

Here is to a great Mother’s Day weekend!


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