Monday, July 14, 2014

Haidyn Three Months!

LENGTH: 23 inches

-Being talked to!! She will have an entire conversation with you . 
-"Itchy Itchy Spider" song by Lola E:)
-Getting a bath ! We finally got her to be excited about bath time with no more crying!! 
-Drinking water !! She will guzzle an entire bottle down.
-Singing "Malcolm in the Middle" theme song with Daddy.
-Doing "Supa-Baby" with Mommy. 
-Her schedule. She knows her schedule of eating, going to school and sleeping
-When Daddy picks her up at school! The look on her face is priceless
-When she sees Mommy after work. She knows exactly who I am. :) 
-FaceTiming with Uncle Jon! She drools over him! (Literally)
-Sucking her thumb!!

-The wind in her face. She gets a little freaked out. 
-Cold water. We tried taking her to the lake and put her in a little pool.... not having it. 

-Giggling! It has to be the greatest thing in the world!
-Scooting around! She will scoot when she's on the floor to get the toys she wants.
-She is able to grab and hold onto her toys.
-She's starting to become interested in food. She will look at you when you're eating. 

-Daddy's 1st Father's Day!
-Facetiming with Uncle Jon<3
-Meeting cousins Kai, Ava and Auntie Christine
-Went to Pyramid Lake! 


First time at the Lake

Holding "Uncle Jon" Bear before school

At the park w/ Daddy

Grabbin a leaf like it ain't no thang

Family Pic!

Finally found her thumb!!!


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