Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Kmaecags' Flexible Dieting & Porncake

I want to take a minute to praise Krissy Cagney. This woman changed my life. She's changed the way I look at losing weight and being healthy overall. This woman has no bullshit in her life because she doesn't let anything get her down. This woman inspired me to ditch the cardio because lifting will get you results. I've gone through her training and she really does change you. She's taught me that being fit doesn't just mean your body. Being fit deals with being happy with everything in your life. I've learned to look at my progress through a new set of eyes. She will never know how grateful I am of her that I still make grown men walk stare at the weight I lift.

Her new books are my current read. Flexible Dieting is a book that deals with counting macros instead of counting calories. Counting calories is what most people are use to.. which most of you know DOESN'T work. Counting macros does work. It's hard work but well worth it. I've done it before while on her training program and I've gotten amazing results. I currently can't go to the gym as much as I'd like, but I've committed 2 days a week and counting macros indefinitely. I can eat what I want when I want just as long as it fits my macros.

Porn cake on the other hand are delicious recipes ( and pictures) of amazing protein pancakes. It's worth looking over just the pictures. WOW! 


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