Thursday, October 31, 2013

Avocado Week


How far along: 16 weeks :) 

Total Weight Gain/Loss: I'm weighing in at 121 lbs which is a loss -1 lb from last week but overall gain +2.5 lbs. I thank my slow weight gain to drinking my weight in water. I've been drinking anywhere between 8 glasses of water to a gallon a day.

Maternity clothes: Rocking the belly belt and huge maternity pants. ha! I've been trying to wear leggings/yoga pants as much as possible even at work. They're just so much more comfortable than jeans.

Stretch marks: None ... so far (fingers crossed).

Sleep: I learned this week, that if I don't get a nap in.. I get a little cranky/crazy. :) I'm trying to rest as much as I can since I walk all day at work, but it's still a struggle to find a balance some days. At night I'm sleeping through the night, but as soon I wake up I HAVE to pee.

Best moment this week: Feeling Baby H move!!! I finally felt the "bubbles" feeling this week. Now baby will move to music or when I get excited. 

Movement: Officially moving! I love feeling the baby move around. Baby H responds to music now. I have her listening to classical music through headphones right now. Her favorite is a song right now is from Lord of the Rings... someone is taking after their daddy :) 

Food cravings: Asian food this week, apples on apples on apples and any kind of soup!! All I want to eat is soup for dinner everyday. 

Gender: We still believe Baby H is a princess  :D 

Labor signs: Nope! 

Belly button - in or out? In for now. 

What I miss: Still missing not having head/backaches. It's a constant now. Both are still tolerable. THANK GOD! 

What I am looking forward to: Finding out Baby H's sex on November 25th! I can't wait! 

Milestones: Feeling movement and no longer being able to suck in my tummy. I can't wait to see a bump!!!!

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Daily veggie intake.... Yuck !

Before my pregnancy, I was never a picky eater and now I can't stand a lot of things. I can't stand VEGETABLES... most of all. YUCK!!! I figured that no matter what I had to get them down someway and somehow.

 My first option,  I tried juicing all my veggies and fruit.  I loved juicing everything before . I loved the juice that came that came from it all. It tasted great and it was great for you before I was pregnant . Everything changed . Apparently juicing isn't helping me either . I can still taste the vegetables instead of all of the fruit . I wasn't having that. I threw my juice away or would make a huge scene over drinking  8 oz of juice . Can you say drama queen?!?!

Finished product !

My second (and final) option was to blend ! Blending everything in my Ninja was wayyyy better. THANK GOD!! The texture isn't so bad although it is chunky compared to juicing . It tastes a lot better for me right even if the same fruits and veggies are in it :) I'm awfully picky now ha! So far, I can make a blender full of my smoothie and it'll last up to two days . I'm always on the go for work so this helps a lot. What's better than convenient, delicious and nutritious ?!? 

I'm really glad I'm getting my veggies and fruits in. I'm not very hungry all the time so this makes me feel better about my nutrition intake . Let's hope I can keep this up :)

Typical Smoothie Ingredients:
-Frozen fruit blend (Tropical medley/Three berry blend)

Sunday, October 27, 2013

My week in pictures : Nevada game edition

Game face is on! 
This week has been crazy and hectic ( to say the least). I feel like my weeks are going by faster and faster. At work we are hitting our busy season due to Fall surrounding us and the excitement of counting the days to our next baby appointment keeps us going. Sassafras (the baby of the Wells family ) has been playful this week as well as caught up in our busy week. She is trying her best to keep us laughing and smiling as much as she can. The busyness of our week didn't stop me from going to the Nevada vs. UNLV game.... *cough cough FUNLV* I got in the spirit of the game by sporting our favorite team from my navy blue nails to my makeup. The university was packed with people and it was amazing to see Makay Stadium sold out. The excitement of the game did not stop this girl from stuffing her face with hot dogs, kettlecorn and a giant frozen cheesecake. Don't worry while my friends were enjoying their beers, I guzzled down my water. For every touchdown that was scored by Nevada my heart raced as the cannon went off  while I jumped in the air cheering for the Wolfpack. As exciting as the entire game was, we lost our Fremont cannon after 8 years of having it in Reno. I'm sad to see the cannon turn that god awful Rebel red, but I know we'll have that cannon back where it belongs. :)
Sass playing hide-n-seek with mommy's boots. 

Sass tired from running around 9 billion times. 
Stacy & I pregame :) 

Rockin' our blue :) 

Watching the Pack come out! 
Enjoying my water while they enjoy their ice cold beers

Mackay SOLD OUT!!! 

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Orange Week

How far along: 15 weeks :) 

Total Weight Gain/Loss: I'm still having trouble staying at a steady weight. I weighed myself right before writing this ( and eating a loooott ) and I'm at 122 which makes my gain +3.5 lbs.

Maternity clothes: I wore my maternity pants this week because I was just too lazy to put anything else one and I was swimming in them. :( So I decided to suck it up wear my regular size 0 pants with my belly belt :)

Stretch marks: None ... so far (fingers crossed).

Sleep: I'm straying away from my naps this week :( I've been so busy at work that it doesn't seem like I have time to sleep. I've been sleeping pretty well through the night though- that's a plus! Sassafras will alllllways make sure to sleep next to my belly too which melts my heart.

Best moment this week: Feeling Baby H's reaction to Daddy's favorite music. She seems to love all types of music but the calm stuff is her favorite. 

Movement: No kicks but little flutters that stops mommy :) 

Food cravings: EVERYTHING sweet. My best friend make cookies this week and I swear I ate my weight in them. I also wanted Vietnamese spring rolls and egg rolls today... I bought some and enjoyed every bite. 

Gender: We still believe Baby H is a princess  :D 

Labor signs: Nope! 

Belly button - in or out? In for now. 

What I miss: My clear skin. I've been breaking out a little bit on my face which hasn't happened since high school. I also miss having not having head/backaches. It's tolerable, it's just very out of the ordinary for me. 

What I am looking forward to: The Nevada VS. UNLV game this Saturday! I hope Baby H hears the cannon go off for us again ! She DEFINITELY will bleed blue for her Wolfpack <3 I also can't wait to see her Monday October 28th !!!! 

Milestones: Not being able to hide my growing belly when I sit down- as you can tell by my new picture. I haven't "popped" yet so you can't really tell when I'm standing. 

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Lemon Week- Hello Second Trimester!

How far along: 14 weeks! Goodbye first trimester!!! 

Total Weight Gain/Loss: I think it's safe to say I've gained 2-3lbs at this point.

Maternity clothes: I've got my belly belt and I bought maternity jeans and a maternity tank top from Old Navy. I haven't worn the tank top yet, but I've worn the jeans . I've got to say those things are sooooo comfy.

Stretch marks: None ... so far (fingers crossed).

Sleep: My usual afternoon cat nap with Sassafras ( ha get it? ) and am finally able to sleep through the night without having to get up to pee every 10 seconds.  I hope it stays that way... probably not.

Best moment this week: Buying Baby H's first book:) 

Movement: More movement from last week, but no kicks. 

Food cravings: Persimmons and rice! My mom has been cooking for me allll week which includes rice in almost every meal. 

Gender: We still believe Baby H is a princess  :D 

Labor signs: Nope! 

Belly button - in or out? In for now. 

What I miss: Buttoning my jeans. 

What I am looking forward to: Next doctor appointment on Oct. 28th.

Milestones:  Finally getting some ab work and yoga in this week. It's a lot harder now that I have to be careful of everything thing though. 

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Peach Week

How far along: 13 weeks 

Total Weight Gain/Loss: Still around the same weight but feeling soo bloated :/

Maternity clothes: Nope, just my belly belt.

Stretch marks: None ... so far (fingers crossed).

Sleep: Work has been crazy with overtime so I've been trying to get an afternoon nap in .

Best moment this week: Opening my gift from Motherhood! It came with Baby H's first bottle. 

Movement: A little this week no kicks yet though. 

Food cravings: Mmm the Battleborn sandwich from Whole Foods.  AMAZZZING! 

Gender: We still believe Baby H is a princess  :D 

Labor signs: Nope! 

Belly button - in or out? In for now. 

What I miss: Buttoning my jeans. 

What I am looking forward to: Next doctor appointment on Oct. 28th.

Milestones:  Finally getting some energy back. 

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

First Trimester Essentials :)

It's surreal that I'm nearing the end of my first trimester. I can't believe how fast time is flying. I can't wait to meet Baby H<3 

My essentials so far have been : 
1. Bath & Body Works Body Butter in Coconut/Shea Butter/Orange 
     - I love this lotion right now. It's thick and creamy. It's perfect for the entire body . It keeps you soft   
          FOREVER! And yes I use all of them all the time. I'm a lotion freak right now. 
2. Palmer's Coco Butter 
    - I use this before I go to work every morning and before I go to bed at night. I used to HATE the smell of it, but now it's not that bad. It must be a pregnant thing ha. I really don't want stretch marks :/ 
3. 'What to Expect When Expecting' by Heidi Murkoff
   - This book is AMAZING. I thought it was cliche before I bought it, but when I started to read it 
      religiously my mind changed. This book is a MUST have.  
4. 'The Baby Bump' by Carley Roney 
   - I bought this book at the same time I bought ' What to Expect' all because it had pictures. It's a fun book 
     to read . :) 

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Plum Week

To keep family and friends updated with Baby H & my progress, I decided that I could document all of it.
Here it goes! :)


How far along: 12 Weeks 

Total Weight Gain/Loss: Looking back at when I didn't know I was pregnant I gained about 8 lbs quickly and dropped it all by the time I found out I was pregnant. I got EXTREMELY sick ( I thought it was the flu and it turned out to be morning , afternoon and night sickness :/ ) Now I'm back to pre-pregnancy weight, but REALLLLLLLLYYYYYY BLOATED.

Maternity clothes: No maternity clothes yet, but I bought a belly belt . I got tired of the old rubberband trick with my skinny jeans . My XS shirts are starting to get a little snug though.

Stretch marks: Nope, I'm hoping I inherited my mom's AMAZING genes (four kids and the woman has no stretch marks.... please God help me)

Sleep: I get up 1-2 a night to go to the bathroom ... even if I drink water 4 hrs before I went to bed. I do try to nap as much as possible. I really do miss my being able to sleep through anything sometimes. I've adapted to the wake ups though.

Best moment this week: Hearing Baby H's heartbeat for the first time on Monday. The heartbeat was strong and made me feel so unbelievably blessed. 

Movement: Some people think I'm crazy, but I've felt baby move a little more every week. Baby goes CRAZZZZZY when daddy gets close:) 

Food cravings: I love BREAD! haha If you know me at all I CAN NOT stand bread, but now that's all I want to eat. I can't handle steak or any kind of red meat (unless it's ground beef) the texture is disgusting. Everything my husband eats is what I want.. NEED to eat which is completely opposite of what I'd eat normally. 

Gender: I have a strong, strong, strong, feeling Baby H is going to be Daddy's little Princess<3

Labor signs: OH NO! Way too soon. 

Belly button - in or out? In for now. The "bump" is a bloat bump. ha! 

What I miss: My old sleeping and eating habits as well as not getting sick ALL THE TIME! 

What I am looking forward to: Next doctor appointment on Oct. 28th. I hope to confirm my gender prediction. :D 

Milestones: Hands down... hearing Baby H's heartbeat. 


I met my husband my sophomore year in high school, married him right after I graduated TMCC and a year later I am pregnant with our first child . Needless to say, we are through the roof with happiness with this new blessing in our life. This pregnancy came to us by surprise, but it's the best surprise we could've asked for. We've always talked about being parents and now it's all coming true.

I had no idea I was pregnant until an elder woman at work told me that there was something about me that changed overnight. I thought she was out of her mind- nothing about me changed. She told me to take a test anyways , what could it hurt? I did as I was told and sure enough the test turned positive quickly. I cried as soon as I saw the results . I knew that, that positive test was going to rock my world. 
The next morning, I called my OB to confirm my results and sure enough the most perfect little olive sized baby was in me. We were going to be parents April 2014. I was 9 weeks and 1 day pregnant on Sept. 13th. I cried again and couldn't look at my husband as we watched our baby on the monitor do a baby hula dance. This was real. This is the beautiful product of our love.
I can't wait to meet you Baby H<3