Wednesday, January 2, 2019


Twenty eight times around the sun for me! It seems insane to me that I’m THAT old when I don’t feel like it. I feel like I’m just getting started as if life is just getting better from here on out. Don’t get me wrong I still feel like the girl with a terrible haircut matching her little brother (thanks to my mom) but I feel like a stronger, smarter and more confident version of that girl. Does that make sense? 2018 has taught me so much but the best lesson it taught me was to love myself first.
I’m very much of a pushover and people pleaser but I’m slowly learning that it doesn’t do me any good if I continue to give and receive nothing in return.

 I learned this year that if it didn’t make me absolutely happy I would give it up. Whether that may be a workout routine ( cough cough running) , “friendship” , people in general and events that I was invited to and etc. Why should I waste my time in doing something that doesn’t make me truly happy? I want to benefit from everything I’m doing in life now and not just waste my time so that others are happy with me. I want to be happy with me! 

It’s hard to say no to everything especially since I’m continuing to live the “life of yes” . Finding the balance in life is what I continue to struggle with because I can’t say yes or no to everything in life.  I’m human and slowly learning to find that balance and maintain it. I can’t wait for another year to grow into the woman I know I am. My goals for twenty-eight is to work on me and to continue to grow through what I’m going through. I want to grow professionally, as a mother, as a wife, as a friend, as a sister and physically because who doesn’t want abs and a bigger booty?  I want to come out stronger, calmer and happier in 2019. I’m learning to stop and smell the roses because going full speed really did hurt me in 2018. I’m learning to bounce back from a L quicker because I don’t want to stay down.  

I cried at the end of my birthday day reflecting on how blessed I am in this life. My husband pulled out all the stops to ensure that I had the best birthday along with my wonderful family and a handful of great friends. I couldn’t do this life without them keeping me sane and cheering me on. Birthdays aren’t my thing because it’s always forgotten with it being at the end of the year and all, but the people that mattered the most to me made sure I wasn’t forgotten.


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